In a world where fewer and fewer boxes are thought and the traditional division between man and woman has changed, it is therefore important to anticipate these changes. Nowadays, not only men work more in construction or in the warehouse, but there are also enough women working in this sector.
Redbrick is known for its innovation in the field of work shoes and the appearance of the work shoes. The first Redbrick models were immediately available in sizes 36 to 50. The large models had the same shape as the smaller models and were therefore not specifically designed for the ergonomics of a women's foot.
The demand for women's work shoes has not diminished and the demand for a model with a narrower read has actually increased. Redbrick started to develop models that take into account these questions from the world of ladies work shoes. The wishes and questions from women were central to the development of these models. The shoe was developed based on the ergonomics of a women's foot in a Redbrick jacket.
The line developed by Redbrick is called ladies and consists of six models including three high models and three low models. The models are S1P or S3 secured and therefore suitable for construction but also applicable in multiple branches.